Monday 16 November 2009

Semi Affluent Homeless Person?

I was cruising websites the other day and stumbled on an article about an Airstream Rally. Airstreams are high end RV’s. And rallies, as we all know, are when a bunch of people who are wild about something get together to go wild about it en masse so they won’t feel so weird about doing it on their own. It’s a validation thing. It’s a sharing of information thing. It is a geek out festival.

I have been to rallies before; I have organized rallies before - albeit for political candidates or causes. But I really hope I never find myself at a rally for an RV’s.

However, Airstreams really are beautiful retro silver bullets that remind me of the Jetson’s cartoon because they look like what we use to think the future would look like. Only the future is here and we still don’t have individual hover crafts which really bums me out. Nor do we have those really cool conveyor belts that you can roll onto from bed in the morning in your pajamas and robots automatically wash, polish, and feed you and then zip you into your clothes for the day.

At the Airstream Rally someone was selling pins that said, “Semi Affluent Homeless Person”. According to a number of RV websites and blogs that is how my family would be designated if the US Census Bureau came knocking. But there is no validation of that term on neither the US Census Bureau website, nor the IRS website for that matter. I think people who are living in their RV’s made it up and it has turned into an urban myth…or would that be an RV Park Myth?

Full time RV’ers like the term because it makes them feel like they are part of a movement. They (we?) are so numerous we have our own designated box to tick on a form from the government. You know you are powerful when you get a box to tick that says what you are and you don’t have to settle for one that just says “Other”.

Full Time RV’er. We have our own rallies. We have our own pins. We have our own T shirts. We are organized and we vote. We are a movement.

But most importantly - we have our cheer:

Hey RV’ers. Hey RV’ers.
Introduce yourselves right on!
Introduce yourselves right on!
We are RV’ers…and we are proud.
That’s why we honk… so very loud.

Who needs validation from the Federal Government so long as you have a cheer.

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