Tuesday 28 July 2009


I see this trip in front of us as a map of the US with various transparencies laid on top.

The first overlay is Simon’s passions. Volcanoes, tropical fish, and panda bears.

The second is Josh’s passions. Polar bears for now.

The third is Evan’s passions. Music, technology. Probably others as well.

As I was sketching this out to a friend the other day she asked me where my Passion Transparency was. At the time I told her mine was more of an inward journey – to take and hour to write each day, to take and hour to exercise each day, to play my guitar and prepare a set to play out as a Busker in Harvard Square.

On second thought – this entire journey is my passion. To have my husband and kids all together for an entire year before the kids run away and start their own lives.

To connect the dots of the friends and family for my children.

My transparency is the one of where friends and family live. We are connecting the dots in the RV. This trip is about helping us to reconnect with people in our lives and seeing how they live. The passion of a frustrated anthropologist/sociologist. I am a busy body wanting to get into the heads of others and muck about. I like to look for ideas, inspiration, and new ways of seeing things from my friends and steal what I like to help me make sense of the world.

Back in 1992 I took 6 months and traveled staying with friends and family who were conveniently located everywhere from Mali to Germany, Uganda, India, Singapore and Australia. I realized midway through that trip that I was observing couples and how they interacted, as well as single people and their relationships with the communities and cultural differences. While this trip isn’t as exotic, I think it will have depth in terms of observation and thoughtfulness.

My passion is to teach my children the importance of connections.

Their connections to people – be they related or not.
Their connections to the US.
Their connections to the land.
Their connections to each other and Evan and me.
Their connections to situations and how they can help to change the situation and that they can be agents of change.

We are all stronger and wiser for having made connections with others – however they work out.

Thanks Lisa, for asking the questions and making me think.

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